How does it work
Slim Life works according to the “Good Food Guidelines” by the Dutch Health council, which are strictly scientifically based. This means achieving a healthy weight in a responsible way.
Firstly you can be confident you will get all the nutrients your body needs. Based on the results of the extensive intake, your personal specific requirements are calculated. After a while you will notice you are not only losing weight, but you will feel you have more energy and are able to concentrate better. A lot of people also experience some of their discomforts disappearing, such as stomach aches or headaches.
Apart from sensible nutrients, a responsible goal and pace for you will be established. Losing five kilos a week isn’t healthy or good for your body and in fact causes the well known yo-yo effect. Calculations will be made to determine what your healthy weight would be and when that could responsibly be achieved. the final goal is then agreed together.
Based on your final goal a personal plan of action is determined depending on what works for you. Step by step small changes are introduced and you will work towards your personal goal in a responsible pace. No strict dieting, so you won’t feel hungry all the time. This means it’s easier to maintain and you will be able to enjoy a lasting result.
Introductory Chat
One-to-one guidance is on an individual base or as a couple (duo). First we plan a free introductory 15 minute chat. Here we can discuss your ideas and wishes, and you have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. In Utrecht the chat will take place at your home or on location such as your office, or via Skype/Zoom for outside Utrecht.
Based on the introductory chat we will decide the number of consultations. The first consultation will be the intake; this will take around 90 minutes. The intake consists of two things; a body scan (see below) and an extensive interview on your current situation and habits. The intake is concluded with the first few tips.
Using a body scan machine, various measurements are done, such as BMI (Body Mass Index), visceral fat and muscle percentage. The results are the noted in an overview with an explanation of the results. Based on the results your personal healthy weight zone is determined, together with your personal amount and proportion of nutrients.
Follow up Consultation
The following consultations will take an hour. The first one will dive into your goal and wishes. The results will be discussed and explained clearly, so you know where you stand and where you want to go. The plan of action is discussed and adapted to suit your needs and wishes. During each follow up consultation, you will receive information regarding different subjects such as carbohydrates, protein, reading food labels, etc. Afterwards you will receive detailed example menu’s including recipes and various tips that can help you achieve your goal. There will always be enough time for your questions or subjects you would like to go into. With the knowledge you gain during the consultations, you will learn how to make healthier choices and eventually you will be able to make your own varied and menus in the right nutritional proportions.

Slim Life’s personal delight Favourite
Everybody has a dish or food that you absolutely adore and can’t live without, but that may not be the healthiest choice. This is what I call your personal delight favourite. As part of the package, I will dive into the kitchen and design a healthy version, so you can still enjoy your treat!
Number of consultations
Depending on your goals and wishes, on average you can assume a total of 6 consultations; 1 intake and 5 follow up consultations. This will give you enough time to get started with everything you learn during the consultations and step by step making small changes in your daily eating and living habits. More or less consultations are possible of course and is entirely up to you!
Click here for rates or contact me for more information.